VolRC RAS scientific journal (printed edition)
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Journal section "Life quality and human potential of territories"

Investigation of population’s competences

Ustinova K.A.

6 (74), 2014

Ustinova K.A. Investigation of population’s competences. Problems of Territory's Development, 2014, no. 6 (74)

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The article reveals the role of population’s competences in forming innovative economy. The author outlines the problems of their formation connected with the increase of disparity between cumulative and required skills in terms of innovative development, with increase in demand on those competences, which are not formed to the right degree among people. At the regional level the reasons that stipulated the insufficient level of developing those skills are determined. The article presents the evolution of approaches in defining competences, distinguished by the content of main ideas to their investigation: from approaches, taking into account behavioral characteristics, as well as knowledge and skills formed by population, to those, drawing attention to the conformity of skills to the requirements of innovative economy. The author shows that the investigation of competences should be done in a consistent manner, taking into consideration aspects, connected with both the estimation of skills’ development level and their conformity to the requirements of workplaces, and with the arrangement of conditions for their improvement. Due to the analysis of monitoring data devoted to the quality of population’s labor potential of the Vologda Oblast, the author states that among common skills the most desired ones are good health and high level of knowledge, among the behavioral ones, communicative skills can be mentioned. According to the results of investigation, the author reveals skills, developed by population to a less degree, which should be improved as a matter of priority, such as: computer literacy, use of software, creativity, and creative approach. The author determines that one of the tools, developing skills, can be various forms of cooperation and partnership between educational establishments and employers, among which the most widespread ones are conclusion of agreements concerning students’ practical training and target preparation of specialists, however, direct participation of employers in the educational process is extended in a less degree. The article presents recommendations focused on the improvement of efficiency in formation of skills and therefore human capital


human capital, competences, common skills, behavioral skills, innovative development of territories