Social activity in rural localities: opportunities for development
Shabunova Alexandra A.
pp. 7-17
Socio-economic situation in the Vologda Oblast. Prices for metal products
pp. 18-25
Conceptual framework of the formation of IT clusters in Kazakhstan: promising directions and positive eff ects
Kireeva Anel’ A.
pp. 26-40
Evaluation of management effi ciency in the public sector: limitations and insuperable diffi culties
Kalashnikov Konstantin N.
pp. 41-53
Social and cultural gradient “Center – East” as unclosed frontier of Russia
Kandrychyn Sergei V.
pp. 54-65
Living environment in the estimates of citizens
Guzhavina Tatyana A.
pp. 66-80
Main line of work with children and families living in hardship and at social risk
Razvarina Irina N., Barsukov Vitalii N., Smoleva Elena O., Natsun Leila N.
pp. 81-99
Structure and actors of social services for families with children
Ivashkina Yuliya Y.
pp. 100-118
Th e level of physical activity and motivation of urban population for physical exercises and sports
Solov’eva Tat’yana S.
pp. 119-136
Overweight as a risk factor for disease incidents of territories’ population
Kasimov Riza A., Popugaev Aleksandr I., Nedosekina Lyudmila E.
pp. 137-150
Main Trends in the Social Well-Being of the Vologda Oblast Population in April 2016
Morev Mikhail V., Dement’eva Irina N., Leonidova Elena E.
pp. 151-157
Review of the monograph: Karmadonov O.A., Zverev M.K. Consolidation of the Russian society: fl ows and obstacles
Molodov Oleg B.
pp. 158-161
“Vivid patriotism”. Interview with V.V. Zolotov
pp. 162-168
Conferences, meetings, seminars
pp. 169-176
pp. 177-179
pp. 180-181