Settlement Aspect of Digital Inequality in Modern Russia
Shabunova Alexandra A., Gruzdeva Mariya A., Kalachikova Ol'ga N.
pp. 7-19
Role of Social Partnership in Urban Development and Mechanisms of its Formation
Shulepov Evgenii B., Zadumkin Konstantin A., Shcherbakova Anna A.
pp. 20-36
Local Government in Russia: Expectations for Major Changes or Selective Adjustments?
Voroshilov Nikolai V.
pp. 37-54
Regional Differentiation of Development of Subsidized Insurance of Agricultural Risks in the Crop Production Sub-Industry
Kadomtseva Marina E., Korostelev Vyacheslav G.
pp. 55-67
Methodological Approach to Assessing the Investment Attractiveness of the Region’s Local Territory
Yakushev Nikolay O., Mazilov Evgenii A.
pp. 68-87
Impact of COVID-19 on Mental Health of Population (as an Indicator of Human Potential): Experience of Foreign Studies
Shmatova Yuliya E.
pp. 88-108
Interconnection between the Level of Digital Environment Development and Labor Productivity
Volkova Nataliya N., Romanyuk Evelina I.
pp. 109-123
Rural Poor Families and Their Opportunities for Children Development
Vyal’shina Anna A.
pp. 124-138
Monitoring of the economy: May 2020
Sidorov Maksim A.
pp. 139-150
Conferences, Meetings, Seminars
pp. 151-153
New VolRC RAS issues
pp. 154
Guidelines for the authors
pp. 155-157
Subscription information
pp. 158