VolRC RAS scientific journal (printed edition)
23.10.202410.2024с 01.01.2024
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Editorial Board


Uskova Tamara V.

Academic degree
Doctor of Sciences (Economics)
Academic rank
Professor, Honored Scientist of the
Full institution’s name – place of work
Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (VolSC RAS)
Current position
Deputy Director for Science, Head of Department
Phone/Fax: (8172) 59-78-06
E-mail: tvu@vscc.ac.ru
Postal address: 56A Gorky Street, Vologda, 160014, Russian Federation

Deputy Editor-in-Chief

Tret’yakova Ol’ga V.

Academic degree
Candidate of Sciences (Philology)
Academic rank
Full institution’s name – place of work
Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (VolSC RAS)
Current position
Leading Researcher, Head of Department
Phone/Fax: (8172) 59-78-28
E-mail: olga.tretyackova@yandex.ru, esc@volnc.ru
Postal address: 56A, Gorky Street, Vologda, 160014, Russian Federation

Executive Secretary

Kabakova Elena A.

Academic degree
No degree
Academic rank
Full institution’s name – place of work
Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (VolSC RAS)
Current position
Deputy Head of the Department of Editorial-and-Publishing Activity and Science-Information Support
Phone/Fax: (8172) 59-78-23 / (8172) 59-78-10 (389)
E-mail: vologdascience@gmail.com
Postal address: 56A Gorky Street, Vologda, 160014, Russia

Editorial Staff Members

Doinita Ariton

Academic degree
Doctor of Sciences
Academic rank
Full institution’s name – place of work
Danubius University of Galati / Romanian agency for quality assurance in higher education
Current position
Head of Centre for Research on Socio-Economic Dynamics in Sustainable Development / Member of the Council for quality assurance in higher education
Phone/Fax: +40721581443
E-mail: dariton@univ-danubius.ro, dariton@yahoo.com
Postal address: 3, Galati Boulevard, 800654, Romania

Edgardo Bucciarelli

Academic degree
Candidate of Sciences
Academic rank
Full institution’s name – place of work
Research Centre for Evaluation and Socio-Economic Development, University of Chieti-Pescara, Department of Quantitative Methods and Economic Theory
Phone/Fax: 0039 085 453 7980
E-mail: e.bucciarelli@unich.it
Postal address: Pindaro, n.42 - 65127 Pescara, Italy

Voronov Viktor V.

Academic degree
Doctor of Sciences (Sociology)
Academic rank
Full institution’s name – place of work
Institute of Sociology of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of RAS
Current position
Leading Researcher
Phone/Fax: 8 (499) 125-00-79
E-mail: viktor.voronov@du.lv
Postal address: 24/35, Krzhizhanovsky Street, building 5, Moscow, 117218, Russian Federation

Gubanova Elena S.

Academic degree
Doctor of Sciences (Economics)
Academic rank
Full institution’s name – place of work
Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Vologda State University”
Current position
Head of the Finance and Credit Department
Phone/Fax: 8 (8172) 53-19-44
E-mail: gubanova_elena@mail.ru
Postal address: 15, Lenin Street, Vologda, 160000, Russian Federation

Gulin Konstantin A.

Academic degree
Candidate of Sciences (History), Doctor of Sciences (Economics)
Academic rank
Associate Professor
Full institution’s name – place of work
Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science “Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences“ (VolRC RAS); Vologda State University
Current position
Leading Researcher; Professor
E-mail: gulin_k@mail.ru
Postal address: 56A, Gorky Street, Vologda, 160014, Russian Federation; 15, Lenin Street, Vologda, 160000, Russian Federation

Cédric Durand

Academic degree
Candidate of Sciences
Academic rank
Associate Professor
Full institution’s name – place of work
Paris University 13
Current position
Associate Professor
Phone/Fax: +33149402078
E-mail: cdurand@ehess.fr
Postal address: 99, J-B. Clément Avenue, Villetaneuse, 93430, France

Juha Kotilainen

Academic degree
Doctor of Sciences
Academic rank
Full institution’s name – place of work
University of Eastern Finland
Current position
Senior Lecturer
Phone/Fax: +358-(0) 50-37-27-426
E-mail: juha.kotilainen@uef.fi
Postal address: Joensuu Campus, Yliopistokatu 2, P.O. Box 111, Joensuu, FI-80101, Finland

Kotlyarov Igor V.

Academic degree
Doctor of Sciences (Sociology)
Academic rank
Full institution’s name – place of work
Honored Scientist of the Republic of Belarus, Academician of the Russian Academy of Social Sciences
E-mail: kotlarov2018@tut.by
Postal address: 65A, Timiryazev Street, Minsk, 220035, Belarus

Yurii Valer’evich L.

Academic degree
Doctor of Sciences (Sociology)
Academic rank
Associate Professor
Full institution’s name – place of work
Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science “Federal Research Center of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences”
Current position
Chief Research Associate
Phone/Fax: 8 (499) 125-00-79
E-mail: latov@mail.ru
Postal address: 24/35, Krzhizhanovskii Street, Build 5, Moscow, 117218, Russian Federation

Leonidova Galina V.

Academic degree
Candidate of Sciences (Economics)
Academic rank
Associate Professor
Full institution’s name – place of work
Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science “Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences“ (VolRC RAS)
Current position
Leading Researcher, head of the Center for Socio-Demographic Research, Department for the Studies of Lifestyles and Standards of Living
Phone/Fax: (8172) 59-78-19/ 59-78-10 (306)
E-mail: galinaleonidova@mail.ru
Postal address: 56A, Gorky Street, Vologda, 160014, Russian Federation

Lykova Lyudmila N.

Academic degree
Doctor of Sciences (Economics)
Academic rank
Full institution’s name – place of work
Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science “Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences”
Current position
Chief Research Associate
Phone/Fax: 8 (499) 724-15-41
E-mail: lykoval@inecon.ru
Postal address: 32, Nakhimovsky Avenue, Moscow, 117218, Russian Federation

Bazueva Elena V.

Academic degree
Doctor of Sciences (Economics)
Academic rank
Associate Professor
Full institution’s name – place of work
Perm State University; Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Current position
Professor of department; Leading Researcher
Phone/Fax: 8 (342) 233-19-69
E-mail: bazueva.l@mail.ru
Postal address: 15, Bukirev Street, Perm, 614990, Russian0 Federation; 56A, Gorky Street, Vologda, 160014, Russian Federation

Skufina Tatiana P.

Academic degree
Doctor of Sciences (Economics)
Academic rank
Full institution’s name – place of work
Federal State Budgetary Institution of the Sciences, Federal Research Center “Kola Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences”
Current position
Leading Researcher
E-mail: skufina@gmail.com
Postal address: 24A, Fersman Street, Apatity, 184209, Russian Federation

Bakhtizin Al'bert R.

Academic degree
Doctor of Sciences (Economics)
Academic rank
Corresponding Member of the RAS, Professor
Full institution’s name – place of work
Central Economic Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Current position
Phone/Fax: 8 (499)129-08-22
E-mail: director@cemi.rssi.ru
Postal address: 47, Nakhimovsky Avenue, Moscow, 117418, Russian Federation