to the processing of personal data in the research periodical edition
“Problems of Territory’s Development”
I, ____________________________________________________________________________
(full name)
(hereinafter referred to as “the Personal Data Subject”), registered at the following address: ___________________
primary document of identification (passport): ______________________________________________________________________________________
(series, number, data and place of issue, information on the issuing authority of the primary document of identification (to be filled out in accordance with the requirements of Part 4 of Article 9 of Federal Law 152-FZ, dated July 27, 2006 “On personal data”))
give my consent to the processing of my personal data in connection with the graining of the right to use the work of which I am the author to the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science “Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences” (hereinafter referred to as “the Controller”), located at 56A Gorky Street, Vologda, 160014.
The work – the article “NAME” (hereinafter referred to as “the Work”) is to be included in the journal “Problems of Territory’s Development”
I confirm the accuracy and completeness of my personal data, I undertake to inform the Controller if any part of my personal data changes.
1. The purpose of the processing personal data is the following:
1.1. peer review;
1.2. conclusion of license agreements with authors, implementation of the provisions of license agreements during the entire term of their validity;
1.3. inclusion of license agreements concluded with authors, obtained consents to personal data processing into the document flow and record in the Controller’s records;
1.4. preparation and placement of metadata of the work included in the periodical, including the title of the publication, abstract, keywords, information about the publication, output data of the publication, information about the authors, information about financing and other support;
1.5. preparation of electronic versions of articles and issues of the periodical in at least one of the following formats: .pdf, .doc, .docx;
1.6. creation archives of the periodical and making them publicly available;
1.7. manufacturing and delivery of each issue of the periodical by authorized bodies;
1.8. formation of the Controller’s library collections, provision the periodical issues to national and foreign libraries, ensuring access to scientific information and bringing in to the values of national and world culture;
1.9. provision the periodical issues to national and foreign reference databases and citation systems, including Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, EBSCOhost, Google Scholar, the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI), RePEc, VINITI RAS, CyberLeninka, Socionet .
1.10. other actions aimed at full cycle of editorial and publishing preparation, including consultancy services for editing, proofreading and translating.
2. The Controller is entitled to process personal data for other purposes, established by the current legislation, normative legal and other acts of the founder, other public authorities, the rules and regulations that are in force on the Controller’s side.
3. On the purposes set forth in paragraph 1 of this Consent the following data should be processed: surname, name, patronymic (in case of availability); year of birth, state registration address; academic degree and rank; place of employment, position; e-mail address; phone number; billing information (on choice of the periodical, depending on its business model), data of the identity document (series and number, date of issue and issuing authority), SNILS, TIN and other documents (for signing the license agreement, payment of royalty, recording in the Controller’s records); digital images of the Author;
3.1. Processing of the following personal data is prohibited by the personal data subject: ________________________________________________________________
(to be filled out by the personal data subject with defining specific actions that are prohibited regarding the personal data of each category)
4. Personal data are processed by the Controller through following actions: collection, creation, recording, accumulation, revision, modification, integration, updating, extraction, copying, usage, transmission, dissemination, provision, facilitating access to the data, hosting, systematization, archiving, storage, blocking, removal, destruction.
4.1. Actions provided by paragraph 4 of this Consent are performed in different ways, in particular through non-automatic, automatic and half-automatic processing of personal data with the use of the Controller’s official website in the Internet and other private, public or municipal information resources and services, including those that are listed in the Table 1 in paragraph 4.1 of this Consent to the processing of personal data.
Information resources and services to perform automatic and half-automatic processing of personal data by the Controller:
Table 1. List of information resources and services to process personal data
No. |
Information resource or service |
Actions with personal data |
1. | |
Collection, creation, recording, accumulation, revision, modification, integration, updating, extraction, copying, usage, transmission, dissemination, provision, facilitating access to the data, hosting, systematization, archiving, storage, blocking, removal, destruction. |
2. | |
Collection, creation, recording, accumulation, revision, modification, integration, updating, extraction, copying, usage, transmission, dissemination, provision, facilitating access to the data, hosting, systematization, archiving, storage, blocking, removal, destruction. |
5. The Personal Data Subject’s consent validity is determined by the Controller’s implementation period of the right to use the Work, provided by the Subject. The Author’s Work is included in the archive of the journal “Problems of Territory’s Development” after the publication of the next issue of the periodical.
The archival issues are stored and processed under Article 1. Part 1.1 paragraph 2 of Federal Law 152-FZ “On personal data”, dated July 27, 2006, in accordance with the legislation on the archives-keeping. Data listed in the license agreement with the Author are stored in accordance with the requirements for the organization of records management, contained in normative legal acts set by the federal state authorities in the field of archives and records management, by the federal state authority responsible for functions of the Controller’s Founder.
6. This Consent is valid from the moment of its signing till its withdrawal in a written from. If the Personal Data Subject withdraws Consent to the processing of personal data, the Controller has the right to: continue processing the personal data without the Subject’s consent in the presence of the legal grounds provided by Federal Law 152-FZ “On personal data”, dated July 27, 2006, and regulations passed in accordance with it; or withdraw the Work in case of inability to proceed with the personal data processing as established by international and national regulation procedures, used by the Russian editorial, publishing and author community.