VolRC RAS scientific journal (printed edition)
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Model license agreement

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1. Subject matter of the Agreement

1.1. Hereunder the Licensor provides the Licensee non-exclusive rights to use _________ (name, description of the materials transferred to the publisher) hereinafter referred to as the «Work» due to the limits of the agreement and on certain agreement term.

1.2. The Licensor warrants that he/she has exclusive copyright to the Work transferred to the Licensee.

2. Rights and obligations of the Parties

2.1. The Licensor grants to the Licensee the following rights for a period of 5 (five) years:

2.1.1. the right to reproduce the Work (publication, disclosure, duplication, copying or other reproduction of the Work) without the limited edition of the number of copies. In addition, each copy of the Work is to contain the name of the author's Work;

2.1.2. the right to distribute the Work by any means;

2.1.3. the right to rework the Work (creation on its basis a new, creative self-product) and the right to make changes in the Work not representing its reworking;

2.1.4. the right to publicise the Work and demonstrate it in the information, advertising and other purposes;

2.1.5. the right to make the Work available to the public;

2.1.6. the right to assign on the contract terms of partially or wholly obtained by present agreement rights to third parties without the payment of compensation to the Licensor.

2.2. The Licensor warrants that the Work, the right to use it is transferred to the Licensee hereunder, is an original work of the Licensor.

2.3. The Licensor warrants that this Work was not transferred to anyone officially for reproduction and other use before (i.e., did not formally entered into the contract).

2.4. The Licensor transfers the Licensee the rights hereunder on the basis of nonexclusive license.

2.5. The Licensor shall provide the Licensee the Work in printed / electronic form for review. Within 60 (sixty) days, if the Licensee does not lay to the Licensor any claims related to the quality (content) or volume of the manuscript of the Work provided for review, the Parties sign Acceptance certificate of the Work.

2.6. Date of signing of the Acceptance certificate of the Work is the moment of transfer to the Licensee of the rights set forth herein.

2.7. The Licensee agrees to comply with the author rights applicable by legislation, rights of the Licensor, as well as to protect them and take all possible measures for the prevention of copyright infringement by third parties.

2.8. The territory on which it is allowed to use rights to the Work is not restricted.

3. Responsibilities of the Parties

3.1. The Licensor and the Licensee in accordance with Russian legislation shall take property and other legal responsibilities for non-execution or improper execution of their commitments under this Agreement.

3.2. The Party which has improperly fulfilled or not fulfilled its obligations hereunder is bound to compensate damages caused to the other Party, including lost profits.

4. Confidentiality

4.1. The terms of this Agreement and supplementary agreements thereto are confidential and are not liable to be disclosed.

5. Final provisions

5.1. All disputes and disagreements between the Parties arising out of the present Agreement are liable to be negotiated, and in case of ineffectiveness these disputes are liable to be settled in court in accordance with Russian legislation.

5.2. This Agreement shall be valid after signing by both Parties of the Agreement and the Acceptance certificate of the Work.

5.3. This Agreement is effective until the Parties fulfill their obligations under it.

5.4. The term of this Agreement shall be automatically extended for each following five-year term, if neither party has initiated its termination not later than one month prior to the expiry of its validity period.

5.5. Termination of this Agreement is possible at any time by mutual consent of the Parties, with the obligatory signing of the agreement about this by the Parties.

5.6. Termination of this Agreement unilaterally is possible in cases provided by the applicable law or by court decision.

5.7. Any amendments or additions to the present Agreement are valid if they are made in writing and signed by both Parties to this Agreement.

5.8. In all that is not provided in the present Agreement the Parties shall be governed by the legislative regulation of the current Russian legislation.

5.9. This Agreement is made in two copies of the same content and equal validity, one for each of the Parties.

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