VolRC RAS scientific journal (printed edition)
27.07.202407.2024с 01.01.2024
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Editorial Council

Afanas’ev Dmitrii V.

Academic degree
Candidate of Sciences (Sociology)
Academic rank
Associate Professor
Full institution’s name – place of work
Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
Current position
Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
E-mail: afanasevdv@chsu.ru, rector@chsu.ru
Postal address: 21, Bryusov alley, Moscow, 125009, Russia

Dobrokhleb Valentina G.

Academic degree
Doctor of Sciences (Economics)
Academic rank
Professor, Academician of RANS and IAGS
Full institution’s name – place of work
Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population – Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Institute for Demographic Research – Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Current position
Chief Researcher
Phone/Fax: +7(499) 129-08-01, (8495) 719-09-40
E-mail: vdobrokhleb@mail.ru
Postal address: 32, Nakhimovsky Avenue, Moscow, 117218, Russian Federation; 6, Fotieva Street, Moscow, 119333, Russian Federation

Evgenii Viktorovich Z.

Academic degree
Doctor of Sciences (Economics)
Academic rank
Associate Professor
Full institution’s name – place of work
Federal State State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education “Saint Petersburg State Agrarian University”
Current position
Phone/Fax: 8 (812) 470-04-22
E-mail: agro@spbgau.ru
Postal address: 2, Petersburg Highway, Pushkin, St. Petersburg, 191002, Russia

Zhikharevich Boris S.

Academic degree
Doctor of Sciences (Economics)
Academic rank
Full institution’s name – place of work
Institute of Regional Economy of RAS; Resource Center for Strategic Planning under ICSER “Leontief Centre”
Current position
Chief Research Associate at the Institute of Regional Economy of RAS; Director of the Resource Center for Strategic Planning under ICSER “Leontief Centre”
Phone/Fax: (812) 316-18-92
E-mail: zhbsw@ya.ru, zhikh@leontief.ru
Postal address: 38, Serpukhovskaya Street, Saint Petersburg, 190013, Russian Federation; 25, 7th Krasnoarmeyskaya Street, St.Petersburg 190005, Russia

Ilyin Vladimir A.

Academic degree
Doctor of Sciences (Economics)
Academic rank
Corresponding Member of the RAS, Professor, Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation
Full institution’s name – place of work
Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (VolSC RAS)
Current position
VolRC RAS Scientific Director
Phone/Fax: (8172) 59-78-35
E-mail: ilin@vscc.ac.ru
Postal address: 56A, Gorky Street, Vologda, 160014, Russian Federation

Tamás Kovacs

Academic degree
Candidate of Sciences (Economics)
Academic rank
Associate Professor
Full institution’s name – place of work
Budapest Business School, College of International Management and Business, Department of Methodology and Econometrics
Current position
Associate Professor
Phone/Fax: 00 36 20 3768224
E-mail: thomy@t-online.hu
Postal address: D/II.16, 22 Diósy L. Street, Budapest , 1165, Hungar

Lazhentsev Vitalii N.

Academic degree
Doctor of Sciences (Geography)
Academic rank
Corresponding Member of the RAS, Professor, Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation
Full institution’s name – place of work
Institute for Socio-Economic & Energy Problems of Komi Science Centre of the Ural Branch of RAS
Current position
Leading Researcher
E-mail: vnl1940@gmail.com
Postal address: 26, Kommunisticheskaya Street, Syktyvkar, 167982, Russian Federation

Malkov Nicolai G.

Academic degree
Candidate of Sciences (Engeneering)
Academic rank
Associate Professor
Full institution’s name – place of work
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Vologda State Dairy Farming Academy by N.V. Vereshchagin”
Current position
Phone/Fax: (8172) 52-57-30
E-mail: academy@molochnoe.ru
Postal address: 8, Mira Street, Molochnoe, Vologda, Vologda Region, 160555

Popov Evgeny V.

Academic degree
Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Doctor of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics)
Academic rank
Corresponding Member of the RAS, Professor
Full institution’s name – place of work
Ural Institute of Governance, RANEPA
Current position
Head of the Center for Social and Economic Research
E-mail: epopov@mail.ru
Postal address: 66, Vos’mogo Marta Street, Yekaterinburg, 620144, Russian Federation

Sakál Peter

Academic degree
Candidate of Sciences
Academic rank
Full institution’s name – place of work
The Faculty of Materials Science and Technology of the Slovak University of Technology in Trnava
Current position
Professor, research supervisor of post-graduate students
Phone/Fax: +421(33) 5511 033 (klapka/extension 178)
E-mail: peter.sakal@stuba.sk
Postal address: 17 Paulínska Street, Trnava, 917 24, Slovakia

Anatolii V. S.

Academic degree
Doctor of Sciences (Economics)
Academic rank
Full institution’s name – place of work
Federal State-Financed Scientific Institution the Institute for National Economic Forecasts of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Current position
Laboratory Head
Phone/Fax: (499) 129-36-33 / (495) 718-97-71
E-mail: contact@ecfor.ru
Postal address: 47, Nakhimovskii prospect, Moscow, 117418, Russia

Valerii A. T.

Academic degree
Doctor of Sciences (Economics)
Academic rank
Corresponding Member of the RAS, Professor
Full institution’s name – place of work
Federal State-Financed Scientific Institution the Market Economy Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Current position
Deputy Director
Phone/Fax: (499) 129-1033 / (499) 129-1033, (499) 129-1000
E-mail: tsvetkov@ipr-ras.ru
Postal address: 47, Nakhimovskii prospect, Moscow, 117418, Russia

Shabunova Alexandra A.

Academic degree
Doctor of Sciences (Economics)
Academic rank
Associate Professor
Full institution’s name – place of work
Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (VolSC RAS)
Current position
Phone/Fax: (8172) 59-78-03
E-mail: aas@vscc.ac.ru
Postal address: 56A Gorky Street, Vologda, 160014, Russian Federation

Terebova Svetlana V.

Academic degree
Doctor of Sciences (Economics)
Academic rank
Associate Professor
Full institution’s name – place of work
Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science “Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences“ (VolRC RAS)
Current position
Leading Researcher
E-mail: Svetlana-ter@mail.ru
Postal address: 56A, Gorky Street, Vologda, 160014, Russian Federation

Mazilov Evgenii A.

Academic degree
Candidate of Sciences (Economics)
Academic rank
Full institution’s name – place of work
Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science “Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences“ (VolRC RAS)
Current position
Deputy Director for the Development and Implementation of VolRC RAS Promising Projects, Dierector of the detached unit – Northwestern Dairy Farming and Grassland Management Research Institute
Phone/Fax: 8 (8172) 59-78-24
E-mail: eamazilov@mail.ru
Postal address: 56A, Gorky Street, Vologda, 160014, Russian Federation

Kogay Evgeniya А.

Academic degree
Doctor of Sciences (Philosophy)
Academic rank
Full institution’s name – place of work
Kursk State University
Current position
Head of Department
Phone/Fax: +7 (4712) 70-05-38 / +7 (4712) 51-36-49
E-mail: eakogay@mail.ru
Postal address: 33, Radishchev Street, Kursk, 305000, Russian Federation

Davydenko Vladimir A.

Academic degree
Doctor of Sciences (Sociology)
Academic rank
Full institution’s name – place of work
University of Tyumen
Current position
Head of Research Center
E-mail: v.a.davydenko@utmn.ru
Postal address: 6, Volodarsky Street, Tyumen, 625003, Russian Federation

Kargapolova Ekaterina V.

Academic degree
Doctor of Sciences (Sociology)
Academic rank
Associate Professor
Full institution’s name – place of work
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Plekhanov Russian University of Economics”
Current position
Professor of Department
Phone/Fax: +7(937) 131-08-79
E-mail: kargapolova.ev@rea.ru
Postal address: 36, Stremyannyi Lane, 117997, Moscow, Russian Federation

Selin Mikhail V.

Academic degree
Doctor of Sciences (Economics)
Academic rank
Full institution’s name – place of work
Legislative Assembly of the Vologda Oblast
Current position
Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Economic Policy and Property
Phone/Fax: (8172) 595-115
E-mail: mihail.selin@yandex.ru
Postal address: 25, Pushkinskaya Street, Vologda, 160555, Russia