VolRC RAS scientific journal (printed edition)
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Journal section "Information society and IT"

Role of universities in the global information war

Sakál P., Hrdinova G.

4 (72), 2014

Sakál P., Hrdinova G. Role of universities in the global information war. Problems of Territory's Development, 2014, no. 4 (72)

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The article is aimed to reveal the hidden meaning of the complex methods of achieving of the world predominance in the XXI century in the context of scientific researches, the role of universities as the centers of national culture and to say ‘no’ to unsustainable oligarchic development on the planet Earth. Revolutionary moods of citizens from all over the world, directed against the “superior empire”, which tries to turn us into modern slaves, show and according to the opinion of the distinguished scientist cited by us and expressed in articled and speeches in social networks, we have come to conclusion that after the first phase of the revolution of stability (genesis) it is necessary to go to the second phase (creation of critical mass) and then – to the third (expansion). Herein the historical role of universities, the scenario of their development was described in the “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion”, particular in the Protocol XVI. This is our ancestors’ heritage, who struggled for our freedom and independence, left to our contemporary generation


globalization, corporate social responsibility (csr), sustainable development (sd), hcs model 3е, creation of shared values (csv), system of sustainable strategy (sss)