VolRC RAS scientific journal (printed edition)
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Journal section "Territorial finance"

Insurance market in the Russian Federation: problems and prospects

Aksyutina S.V.

2 (70), 2014

Aksyutina S.V. Insurance market in the Russian Federation: problems and prospects. Problems of Territory's Development, 2014, no. 2 (70)

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
Boosting insurance business is one of the strategic guidelines in the socio-economic policy carried out by the state; this measure contributes to the development of insurance companies that form the institute of institutional investors; it also promotes the transfer of the part of the state’s responsibility for financial protection of economic agents’ interests to insurers. The article considers the main indicators of Russia’s insurance market, the depth of penetration of insurance in the economy. The attention is focused on the current problems of the insurance market. The article reveals the insufficiency of insurance supervision, passivity of customer acquisition policy carried out by insurers, lack of insurance culture of business entities and citizens, limited capabilities of insurers to obtain insurance protection. The article outlines the directions for development of insurance relations that ensure sustainability and progressive development of the insurance market. The author highlights the necessity of development of insurance market infrastructure through the promotion of activities of trade unions and associations of insurers


insurance market, insurance market indicators, insurance supervision, insurance potential