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Journal section "Economics of Nature"

Decarbonization Problems of the Russian Economy

Lebedeva M.A.

Volume 26, Issue 2, 2022

Lebedeva М.А. (2022). Decarbonization problems of the Russian economy. Problems of Territory's Development, 26 (2), 57–72. DOI: 10.15838/ptd.2022.2.118.5

DOI: 10.15838/ptd.2022.2.118.5

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
In recent years, the climate change problem has been one of the most urgent. Its negative consequences will be most pronounced in the northern countries with carbon-intensive economies, such as the Russian Federation, for which an increase in the average annual temperature is fraught with the destruction of infrastructure, an increase in morbidity and mortality, and introduction of climate control measures by foreign partners may lead to a decrease in exports, loss of foreign markets. Accordingly, ensuring the economic decarbonization for Russia is an important task. In this regard, the purpose of the work is to identify the decarbonization problems of the Russian economy. During the analysis of foreign experience, we have revealed that decarbonization tools are actively used in countries with the largest greenhouse gas emissions, mainly emission quota systems, carbon taxes, technical standards, and bans on the sale of carbon-intensive products. A distinctive feature of the climate regulation system being developed in Russia is the desire to take into account the assimilation potential of ecosystems. We analyze the most promising decarbonization tools of the Russian economy: quota systems, carbon landfills, use of technologies for capturing and injecting carbon dioxide into the bowels, electric transport development. We have determined that the main problem of using these tools is their lack of consistency: the start of their work is scheduled for almost the same time, while their effectiveness depends on the results of each other’s work. For instance, the work of the greenhouse gas emissions quota system depends on the results of the work of the state accounting system of carbon units and carbon polygons. In addition, we have mentioned potential problems of using individual tools: insufficient regulation of reporting for carbon landfills, failure to take into account foreign unsuccessful experience in introducing a quota system, export-oriented work of hydrogen energy, weak connectivity of infrastructure for electric transport maintenance


russia, sustainable development, territorial development, greenhouse gases, Russia, decarbonization, Paris Agreement, carbon border tax