VolRC RAS scientific journal (printed edition)
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Journal section "Sustainable development of territories, branches, and production complexes"

Modern Housing and Communal Services Development Problems

Plotnikova I.A., Sorokina I.V.

6 (104), 2019

Plotnikova I.A., Sorokina I.V. Modern housing and communal services development problems. Problems of Territory's Development, 2019, no. 6 (104), pp. 52–68. DOI: 10.15838/ptd.2019.6.104.4

DOI: 10.15838/ptd.2019.6.104.4

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The modern development strategy of the Russian Federation is based on the principles of ensuring national and state interests in the long term. Housing and communal services is one of the basic sectors of the economy providing vital services to the population. The ability to maintain the population’s normal living conditions, to provide resources to the national economy sustainably determines one of the most important qualitative characteristics of the economic system – economic security. Therefore, the need to improve the organizational and economic tools for the implementation of state and regional policy in the housing and communal sector determines the study’s relevance. The purpose of the work is to analyze the problems of industry development with the identification of trends and cause-and-effect relationships. Despite rather active theoretical and practical researches of housing and communal services development problems, there are still lots of numerous adverse aspects in the sector. The tariff policy imperfection should be noted which is associated, inter alia, with the adequacy of the population’s paying capacity assessment, i.e. the acceptability of costs and the ability to pay for housing and communal services. The professional level of specialists in management organizations, federal subjects’ administrations, municipalities does not meet modern requirements. The living quarters owners in apartment buildings practically cannot control the activities of management organizations. Cumbersome, highly dynamic, declarative in some cases, housing legislation makes it difficult to understand and track it. The complex of problems determines low efficiency of housing and communal services management at the present stage, contributes to the prevalence of corruption and fraud. On the basis of a systematic, comprehensive analysis of scientific literature, official statistics, legal practice, the article authors prove the strengthening of negative trends associated with the above problems. Systematization of risks and threats allowed the authors to develop and propose a number of practical measures to minimize them, prevent possible negative prospects for the development of the industry. The information base of the study were Federal and regional regulations; the data from Rosstat, the Ministry of Construction of Russia, the Analytical Center under the government of the Russian Federation, the press service of Sberbank of Russia; materials published on official websites


housing and communal services, tariffs, real disposable income, housing maintenance, apartment building, homeowners