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Strategic Environmental Assessment in Regional Planning

D'yakov M.Y., Mikhailova E.G., Sharakhmatova V.N.

2 (100), 2019

D’yakov M.Yu., Mikhailova E.G., Sharakhmatova V.N. Strategic environmental assessment in regional planning. Problems of Territory's Development, 2019, no. 2 (100), pp. 80–94. DOI: 10.15838/ptd.2019.2.100.5

DOI: 10.15838/ptd.2019.2.100.5

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The paper shows the need to use strategic environmental assessment in the development of regional strategic plans for socio-economic development. It is noted that strategic environmental assessment makes it possible to link the main components of sustainable development by including environmental approaches in strategic planning documents and linking them to economic and social consequences. The research object is the strategy of regional development, the subject – the “greening” of the strategy using the tool of strategic environmental assessment. The purpose of the research is to demonstrate some methods of strategic environmental assessment to identify compliance of priorities of region’s strategic development with the requirements of sustainable development. The methodological framework consists of the concept of sustainable development. The information framework – of methodological and practical materials of regional strategic planning and strategic environmental assessment. The paper discusses the main stages of strategic environmental assessment formation and development, as well as the possibilities of this tool taking into account the regional characteristics of development. On the example of the adopted Development strategy of Kamchatka Krai until 2030, the possibilities of using the methodological tool of strategic environmental assessment for analysis and determination of strategic priorities for the development of the region were demonstrated. For the first time the results of the methodology revealed that in terms of the region’s important environmental problems such as the negative impact of mineral extraction on the environment and biodiversity, the reduction of wildlife habitats, the current Strategy of socio-economic development in most cases leads to aggravation of these problems and generally does not ensure the region’s sustainable development. The results can be important for the development and analysis of concepts, strategies, and target programs at the regional level, macro-regions and large municipalities. Further research into these issues will form the methodological framework for the development of regional strategic plans that take into account the requirements of sustainable development. The research results should be of interest to decision-makers in strategic planning of regional development, as well as workers of science and education in relevant fields


strategic planning, region, sustainable development, development strategy, strategic environmental assessment