VolRC RAS scientific journal (printed edition)
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Journal section "Sustainable development of territories, branches, and production complexes"

Th eoretical and Methodological Approaches to the Study of the Production Activity Conditions in the Region

Davydova A.A.

3 (89), 2017

Davydova A.A. Th eoretical and Methodological Approaches to the Study of the Production Activity Conditions in the Region. Problems of Territory's Development, 2017, no. 3 (89), pp. 32-47

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The economic growth of the region is provided by the efficiency of functioning of subjects of production activity. Locally-developed enterprises implement their socio-economic functions, thus generating greater employment, improving general standards of living, etc. To ensure successful functioning of enterprises certain conditions of production activity implementation should be shaped in the region (financial, administrative, infrastructural, etc.). The aim of the study is the systematization of approaches for understanding the categories that characterize the conditions that can affect the production activity of the region, as well as the development of a scientific approach to their definition. This article examines the category of "conditions for the implementation of production activity" and its related concepts, it also carries out their critical analysis and justifies the author's position about their content. The author suggests a classification of related concepts, including such groups as "environment" and "climate". The first group reflects the ability to conduct production activity on a certain area, and the second one is the degree of influence of the current environment on the comfort of the implementation of the activity. Additionally, the article determines the place of the category "conditions of production activity implementation" in the existing system. The following research methods are used: systematic approach, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction. The novelty of the study is that it develops a scientifically grounded approach for understanding the category of "conditions of production activity implementation", which represents the totality of the phenomena that can affect the processes of emergence, existence, or changing of the factors of production activity. The author also suggests the concept of identifying a set of conditions based on the establishment of compliance of the production activity factors and conditions influencing them. The results of the study prove the concept that the existing categories, incorporating the conditions of production activity, do not fully reflect their complex character and are oriented at the development of other activities, such as entrepreneurial or investment activity. The results of the study may be used by public authorities and state administrative bodies in working-out different ways for the development of industrial activity in the region. The next stage of the study will be to develop methods for the assessment of the conditions of production activity and its testing on materials of subjects of the Russian Federation


investment climate, business climate, business environment, industrial activity, entrepreneurial environment, entrepreneurial climate