At the end of the 21th century the post-Soviet space witnessed extensive disintegration processes caused primarily by the USSR collapse. The formed sovereign states faced the problem of social cohesion, for without the cohesion of population around shared values, ideals and interests it is impossible to meet today’s challenges and threats. The issue of society consolidation is especially urgent for Russia, a multinational and poly-confessional state, where social transformation led to the emergence of social inequalities. In the new reality, along with the factors that unite the interests of various social strata and groups, there are preconditions for the further alienation of population, including at the regional level. Among them we single out low social (and civil) activity and identity of the region’s residents. The public opinion survey of the Vologda Oblast population shows that low social activity is mainly due to the citizens’ disbelief in their ability to influence the situation and decision-making of the authorities, indifference to general affairs and dependency. Most residents are not ready to unite for the protection of private or group interests and find it sufficient just to sign the appeal to the authorities. The economic crisis became a threat to the increase in the middle class proportion – the main social base for the construction of civil society in the country. Some responsibility for this situation is laid on the regional and local media, mainly fulfilling the function of “improving the image” of power structures and characterized by the dominance of entertainment content. The formation of national identity of the population is not over in the region; many people feel their belonging to the local and regional community. The traditional religion of the majority of residents (Orthodoxy) has no significant consolidation potential. In order to unite the regional population for solving common problems it is necessary to involve area residents in the implementation of socially important projects and the formation of active life position and national identity
region, state, civil society, trust, social consolidation, identity, social activity