VolRC RAS scientific journal (printed edition)
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Journal section "Sustainable development of territories, branches, and production complexes"

Axiological Approach to the Evaluation of Urban Land Markets for Housing Consumers

Ulitskaya N.Y., Akimova M.S.

1 (81), 2016

Ulitskaya N.Y., Akimova M.S. Axiological Approach to the Evaluation of Urban Land Markets for Housing Consumers. Problems of Territory's Development, 2016, no. 1 (81), pp. 46-64

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The article shows the differences in land value due to different purposes of its use on the example of administrative districts of the city of Penza. The aim of the study is to improve the method of objectively-subjective assessment of land value for making subsequent management decisions. The land value that meets human needs is an object. The article presents a hypothesis of the study, such as development of the axiological approach in the land marketing on the basis of actualization of the essential characteristics of land value, which make differential contributions to market consumer choice, with different ways of satisfaction from its use. The research is based on interdisciplinary, marketing and axiological approaches that promote the use of the following methods: analysis, peer-group assessment by methods of snowball and commissions, monitoring by methods of visualization and mapping, questioning, conversation. The study results in the improvement of the axiological approach in marketing, revealing the features of the value structure and the ways of providing with land at different types of land use; the method of objective-subjective estimate of land values, helping identify advantages and disadvantages of the territory, preferences and the degree of satisfaction of the consumer; the differentiation of strategies for the development of local markets, depending on the land value. The results obtained develop the theoretical concepts of land value and the ways of meeting human needs at place of residence, work and leisure. In practical terms, they can be adopted by Penza developers to promote their projects, authorities for making management decisions on the effective use of the urban area with the harmonization of interests of different groups of consumers


evaluation, city, leisure, value, land marketing, demand for places of residence, work