VolRC RAS scientific journal (printed edition)
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Journal section "Agricultural policy and the development of the agro-industrial complex"

Modernization of dairy cattle breeding in the region: state of affairs and problems

Anishchenko A.N.

6 (74), 2014

Anishchenko A.N. Modernization of dairy cattle breeding in the region: state of affairs and problems. Problems of Territory's Development, 2014, no. 6 (74)

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The article is devoted to the issue of dairy cattle breeding modernization of the Vologda Oblast. Efficiency of modernization is analyzed using the example of CJSC Stud-farm “Zarya” and company Breeding and collective farm “Avrora” of the Gryazovetskii district (milk production using the loose-housing technology and milking operations in milking parlour and on robot-milkers). The article presents the analysis of current development trends, resource base of the region’s subbranch for the period of 2003 – 2013, which allows to reveal some problems restraining dairy cattle breeding modernization. Thus, the key problems such as high household debt and lack of free internal funds of households are revealed. During the period of investigation the problems of outdated material and technical base, lack or total absence of technical equipment among some households, and insufficient skills of specialists supporting new facilities. Furthermore, in sub-branch there is no integrated approach, which provides creating clasters of technologically conjugated production works, interaction between branches of agro-industrial complex and branches of economics, cooperation with government authorities and local government bodies. In conclusion the author proposes the ways out of the current situation


the vologda oblast, modernization, dairy cattle breeding, dairy farms