VolRC RAS scientific journal (printed edition)
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Journal section "Life quality and human potential of territories"

Problems of defining and measuring quality level of population

Ozerova O.Y.

6 (74), 2014

Ozerova O.Y. Problems of defining and measuring quality level of population. Problems of Territory's Development, 2014, no. 6 (74)

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The article presents the main problems and difficulties in definition, estimation and measurement of the “life quality” indicator. The aim of investigation is to analyze theoretical approaches to defining and estimating the notion of the population’s life quality level, and revealing the main problems in measurement and calculation of integrated indicators of life quality. The notion under consideration is studied by many fields of science starting from the 1960s, but at the same time nowadays there is no established definition of this category. Numerous works dedicated to the study of life quality, contain authors’ interpretations depending on the object and line of research. Based on the analysis of the used sources, the author composes a table, which reflects the main theoretical approaches to investigation of the living standard and life quality. Furthermore, the author states that today there is no sample system of indicators, characterizing the category under investigation. In certain years a large number of methods for measuring the level of life quality and calculating integrated indicators were elaborated, but according to the author, none of them can be named as common. Moreover, each of existing methods causes difficulties connected with developing the set of criteria, their normalization and comparison, as well as with the calculation of integrated indicators. The author determines the main problems of measuring population’s life quality level, which seriously complicate the process of studying and evaluating this category and challenge the objectivity of this notion from the viewpoint of reality. The author defines some problems concerning the existing methods for measuring the population’s life quality level. The author draws a conclusion that due to the complexity of “life quality” category, a large number of analyzed indicators, and their typical heterogeneity, it can be said that it is necessary to use not only one research method, but the complex of methods, such as: statistical, sociological, economic and mathematical, etc., for the indicators to reflect objectively the real situation concerning the life quality level


life quality, life quality level, problems in measurement, integrated indicators of life quality, methods of measurement