VolRC RAS scientific journal (printed edition)
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Journal section "Sustainable development of territories, branches, and production complexes"

State support of the region’s housing and communal sector

Kozhevnikov S.A.

6 (74), 2014

Kozhevnikov S.A. State support of the region’s housing and communal sector. Problems of Territory's Development, 2014, no. 6 (74)

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The article presents the analysis of the current state of housing and communal sector of the Vologda Oblast, and reveals the key issues in this field of regional economics, among which high level of depreciation of fixed assets, non-productivity of resources loss, and inefficient usage of available financial means can be mentioned. The author substantiates that current pace of capital renewals and new construction in the sector does not allow carrying out its comprehensive modernization. However, amounts of state support of the region’s housing and communal sector are not enough and have a tendency to reduction and decrease of availability, and, first of all, are focused on point solution of problems. In this regard the author explains the relevance of developing the public-private partnership mechanisms in the housing and communal sector, reveals priority directions of public policy, and proposes tools, realization of which will allow to form favorable investment climate in the sector and will contribute to attracting private investments to this field of regional economics


the vologda oblast, state support, public-private partnership, housing and communal sector, investment processes