VolRC RAS scientific journal (printed edition)
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Journal section "Formation and development of territorial communities"

Tools for the production of social advertising and the means of its distribution

Petoshina S.I. .

6 (68), 2013

Petoshina S.I. . Tools for the production of social advertising and the means of its distribution. Problems of Territory's Development, 2013, no. 6 (68)

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
This article considers certain tools for making social advertising and advertising media in the Murmansk Oblast. The material is arranged on the basis of the data of expert interviews with the representatives of various social institutions and establishments: the Oblast administration, education, health care and social protection, law enforcement agencies, public associations, advertising business, the media, social issues


murmansk oblast, social advertising, tools of social advertising, tools for distributing social advertising, social institutions, social establishments, kola north