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Technical and Technological Progress as a Key Factor in Regional Development in the 21st Century

Bainev V.F., Runkov Y.Y.

4 (102), 2019

Bainev V.F., Runkov Yu.Yu. Technical and technological progress as a key factor in regional development in the 21st century. Problems of Territory's Development, 2019, no. 4 (102), pp. 148–162. DOI: 10.15838/ptd.2019.4.102.9

DOI: 10.15838/ptd.2019.4.102.9

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The article investigates the characteristics of the modern stage of technological evolution, including, first of all, in the context of its impact on the development of regions. It is shown that the achievements of the fourth industrial revolution (the fifth and the sixth technological modes) cause technical and technological changes in the society, as well as fundamental political and economic transformations. Among the most significant transformations are: the rapid growth of labor productivity through completing the mechanization, electrification, and production automation processes and the beginning of the intellectualization of the technosphere; vertical and horizontal integration of production assets within network corporations built on the basis of CNC equipment and the “industrial Internet”. It is shown that such corporations provide an opportunity of inclusion and coordinated functioning within the framework of single value chains of many industries with CNC equipment, including those located in different regions, other countries and even on other continents. Built on this principle, corporations open up fundamentally new opportunities to achieve global competitiveness and overcome many global (raw materials, energy, environmental, etc.). problems of civilization, including the problem of uneven development of territories. That is, the fourth industrial revolution opens a new page in the theory and methodology of formation and implementation of the regional policy. Of course, the realization of these advantages provided by the current stage of technological development in Russia, Belarus and other post-Soviet countries is possible only with timely awareness of the true content and political and economic essence of the transformations caused by the fourth industrial revolution. In other words, following the example of the most developed world’s countries, accelerated development of the industrial complex of the Union state of Russia and Belarus and the EAEU countries in the framework of the policy of new (digital) industrialization should be designated as the main strategic priority for their development in the short and long term


the fourth industrial revolution, disproportions of regional development, technical and technological progress, network corporation, local competitive advantages, integration of regional enterprises, new (digital) industrialization