VolRC RAS scientific journal (printed edition)
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Journal section "Life quality and human potential of territories"

Intersectoral Interaction: Types of Relations and Development Trends in Modern Russian Society

Kosygina K.E.

6 (110), 2020

Kosygina K.E. Intersectoral interaction: types of relations and development trends in modern Russian society. Problems of Territory's Development, 2020, no. 6 (110), pp. 50–66. DOI: 10.15838/ptd.2020.6.110.4

DOI: 10.15838/ptd.2020.6.110.4

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
Economic difficulties force countries and regions to look for additional resources to achieve sustainable socio-economic development which cannot be provided by the actions of a single economic entity – the state. It is necessary to develop partnership relations between the state, society and business. Cooperation allows using the resources of each of the listed sectors, and obtain a synergetic effect. It can be productively used only if there are formed ideas and understanding the general situation regarding intersectoral interaction. In this context, the purpose of the research is to identify and systematize the main types, forms and trends in the development of intersectoral interaction in Russia. The scientific novelty is in use of independently developed research design, as well as in generalizing and analytical conclusions that characterize the processes of intersectoral interaction. The author applied methods of logical-system analysis. The researcher studied the bilateral intersectoral interaction: state-private, public-state, and public-private partnerships. The forms of their realization are systematized on the basis of regulatory and legal sources. It is concluded that the financial form is one of the priorities in each type of relationships. The basis for cooperation in the state-private partnership is the agreements that involve investing business funds in public infrastructure facilities. The author identified favorable trends: rising the agreement terms, the investment volume in money terms, and increasing the number of projects. It is determined that the form of competitive subsidies for the implementation of social projects by nonprofit organizations prevails in public-state partnership. The activity of private charitable foundations is studied in the field of public-private partnership; the researcher determined that the foundations accumulated significant funds to support projects initiated by the society. Cooperation with foundations allows minimizing the cost of finding funding for socially significant ideas. In general, the analysis of the development of bilateral partnerships has shown that the most important thing is the increasing spread of intersectoral interaction at the level of regions and municipalities. The expansion of cooperation leads to the resource activation of several society sectors, and more effective development of the territories. The results of the research can be used by government authorities to make management decisions in the field of improving the effectiveness of intersectoral interaction


intersectoral interaction, development of the territories, state-private partnership, public-state partnership, business charity, interaction forms

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